Friday, May 28, 2010

We are not alone if we fail managing our personal finance....

We are not alone if we fail managing our personal finances, even the experts or finance gurus are like that

Excerpt from Standford Business Magazine: "The Los Angeles Times recently reported that several Nobel laureates in economics admit to having trouble managing their own money. One might think that a Stanford MBA—and certainly a Nobel Prize-winning economist—would be well versed in all the different strategies likely to build wealth, but most people who are busy raising families and advancing their careers simply don’t have time to fine-tune their own personal investment or finance plans. Add to that the common sentiment that anyone with an MBA should be able to manage his or her own retirement account, and you get a group of people who are afraid to ask for help. “Not everyone who gets an MBA is an investment guru,” Wilson notes. “But with the MBA comes this psychological feeling that you should be able to do it yourself.”"

So don't be too worried if you still haven't started or failing, its Never too late.

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