Sunday, May 16, 2010

Personal finance tips - Bad advice?

Again? You have got to be kidding personal finance tips yet again, I can see this reaction immediately. So whats the difference? here i want to reverse it and see how to screw your personal finances. Or what are the bad habits in personal finance, in the next set of articles we will see how it helps?

1. Never save anything for tomorrow, whats the use? Someone has said: kal kare so aaj kar aaj kare so ab, kal ka kya bharosha hai. Interpret: Why save for tomorrow ? Whats the use? Why not spend/enjoy everything today and live life to the fullest.

2. Dont invest!! Whats the use of investing and moreover its so boring and difficult -  how to invest? where to invest ? whether there will be any returns blah! blah!. So take it easy and chill out. I am too busy for it.

3. Always use credit card for expenses - Its cool, its fashionable, and shows off i dont really care about money and am rich, which is true right? dude i got platinum card from American express , What have you got golden card oh! so cheap.

4. Never track ur expenses - We should never ever track our expenses, firstly its of no use to us secondly its just waste of time, why do i care whether my expenses goes in dining out or buying movie tickets or buying cloths its all same for me. So lets just ignore it because i am not anyway going to do anything about it.

5. Always keep money any money left in savings account in bank - I am too lazy to do anything so whatever is left over money after the expense (If anything is left) let me just leave it in savings bank with 3-4 % interest.

6. No planning for future / No health/life insurance - Whats that? And why should i do it ? I am as healthy as an ox and will always be like that till I live. So no use wasting time/money on it.

So folks is this what we are ....... or we want to become ......let me know your comments.

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