Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you bold enough to share your expenses with friends....

Help us integrate trackspends with your favourite social sites .......

These are the first of blogs which we want to float for figuring what/how we can integrate trackspends with any of the existing social sites like twitter/facebook/orkut etc.

So how do we integrate trackspends with twitter ? Here are couple of options and their pros and cons :

1) Use twitter direct messages to allow users to update their expenses - Badly failed - Not even single user did Twitter Direct messages even though we have implemented and released it? See the details here and you feel the idea is right but not implemented properly write us

2) Allow users to update their expenses sent to trackspends to twitter feeds, so whenever you sent trackspends a message the message will be updated in your twitter feeds so that your friends and followers can view it. Whats the benefit of it ? to be frank i dont see any real benefits apart from just doing a comparison or informing friends / followers about day to day expenses which may lead to heated conversations and discussions. ? But again whats your thoughts on this ? Do you approve it ?

Also let us know any other ideas for integrating with twitter, or you just feel that its better to be off twitter add comments here?

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