Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spend less than you make

There is a saying in hindi:

jitni chadar hai utna hi paav pasarna chaiye


"Spend less than your make". And too many people try to make more than they spend, which is a never ending battle.

To be true this is very difficult tasks to accomplish specially if you are living in cities, eating out, movies, party etc so many things and if this is not complete, gadgets , cloths and holiday or weekend trips etc will put holes in your pocket.

The funda here is to understand where you are spending more, and prioritize some of the expenses for example not every weekend you want to eat out and buy an expensive gadget. Supplement some of the expensive items with less costly ones or less costly places to eat out etc.

Also make sure you have some amount automatically deducted from your salary account, since it will not be their in your bank account you cannot spend it.

And do not use credit card!!! You never know how much money is spend while using credit card!!

Will keep adding more tips.......

Keep tracking with


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