Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mobile App for sending expenses DO NOT need GPRS connection .....

We have launched Mobile SMS application to simplify sending expenses from Mobile. All you have to do is open the application in mobile, type in your expenses and send it. Does NOT require GPRS connection on your mobile phone. For those who find SMS is too difficult can now start using this mobile application for tracking their expenses. It works in all the basic mobiles as well.

You can download it from : Or

For first installation you have to download it to your PC/laptop, connect to your mobile to install the application. Or enable GPRS connection ONLY for first installation.

Monday, July 5, 2010

How to modify a category and add more keywords to it....

To modify an existing category and add keywords to it, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on existing category that you want to modify:

2. Add new keyword to the category and click on "Add keyword" to add: (PLEASE NOTE: Sometimes it takes time for page to load so please wait for the page to load completely, till you see the below screen)

3. Added keyword will appear in the list of keywords as in the screen below:

For adding more keywords do the same as above and it will be updated in the list.

5. For removing any keywords from the category click on "remove" button for that keyword, as shown below:

Final list after adding "antibiotic" keyword and removing "dental" keyword is:

6. To save the category with this list, click on "Save Category" button:

Follow the same steps for adding new category and new list of keywords to the category.